Chris Brown‘s baby mama, Ammika Harris told her fans and followers that she is waiting for gyms to reopen. Check out the post that she shared on her social media account.

Someone said: ‘When are you going to drop your makeup tutorial? 😍’ and one other follwoer said: ‘Same. I need to kick people— I mean kickboxing.’

A follower said: ‘Honey you small enough and you look fine. Anybody says differently is bugging,’ and somoene else posted this: ‘I need to start working out myself lol. Your glow💖.’

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A post shared by Ammika Harris (@ammikaaa)

One follower said: ‘I’m sure you get a workout chasing Aeko around lol!’ and someone else posted this: ‘You are looking so much smaller.’

One other follower said: ‘Love it! The top seems to be perfect fit for a workout. Super cute too.’

Someone else posted this: ‘Um, you don’t need a gym, the gym needs you. Lol😍’

More people praised Ammika in the comments and they also brought up her baby boy Aeko. People are in love with the little man.

In other news, Ammika Harris shared some pics featuring heer and Chris Brown‘s son, Aeko. Check out the little boy twinning with his dad.

‘Seems like you had to give him sweets for these photos, 😂❤️’ Ammika captioned her post.

In other recent news, Chris Brown‘s baby mama, Ammika Harris, shared a photo on her social media account that has a lot of fans impressed in the comments.

She is wearing a tutu very Black Swan-ish, and all that people are talking about is her flawless figure.

She is posing in a black tutu, and she captioned her photo with a black swan sign. Fans are beyond impressed, and if you check out the photo below, you will see for yourselves why.


Ammika is living her best life with her baby boy Aeko.
